1. PATTERNS OF BIAS--Have Hollywood's major studio releases over the years, contained blatant patterns of bias (i.e., consistently portrayed whole populations of our diverse society in a negative or stereotypical manner)? ANSWER: YES
2. SPECIFIC GROUPS--Isn't it true that Latinos, Arabs and Arab-Americans, Christians, Muslims, Italian-Americans and Whites from the American South have been consistently portrayed in such major studio film releases in a negative or stereotypical manner in the past three to four decades? ANSWER: YES
3. BIASED BIOPICS--Have Hollywood's major studio releases contained biased biopics? ANSWER: YES
4. HISTORICAL REVISIONISM--Have Hollywood's major studio releases contained examples of historical revisionism? ANSWER: YES
5. FAVORITISM--Have Hollywood's major studio releases generally portrayed members of the single, narrowly-defined interest group from which the Hollywood control group primarily draws its members more favorably than those groups named above? ANSWER: YES
6. SIGNIFICANT MEDIUM--Is it fair to say that the motion picture is a significant medium for the communication of ideas? ANSWER: YES
7. IDEAS--Is it fair to say that throughout the history of civilization, ideas have always and will always be an important source of motivation for human conduct? ANSWER: YES
8. INFLUENCE--Isn't it true then, that movies influence human conduct, since, after all, movies communicate ideas, ideas motivate human behavior, therefore movies must motivate some human behavior. ANSWER: YES
9. PREJUDICIAL THINKING--Isn't it not only possible, but quite likely, that repeatedly watching hundreds of powerful motion picture images that consistently portray whole populations of our diverse society in a negative or stereotypical manner, during a significant segment of many individual lives (particularly those who are relatively young, uneducated or unsophisticated), will contribute to prejudicial thinking? ANSWER: YES
10. DISCRIMINATORY BEHAVIOR--Isn't it true that prejudicial thinking is often the basis of real-life discriminatory behavior? ANSWER: YES
11. NOT SOLUTION--Isn't it true then that movies consistently portraying certain people in a negative or stereotypical manner are clearly not helping us solve our society's problems of misunderstanding and mistrust, but more likely, making them worse? ANSWER: YES
12. MOVIES MIRROR--Isn't it true that movies to a large extent, tend to mirror the values, interests, cultural perspectives and prejudices of their makers? ANSWER: YES
13. MAJOR STUDIO DOMINANCE--Isn't it true that the motion picture industry is dominated by a small group of so-called major studio/distributors and that these studio releases are the movies seen by more than 90% of the domestic moviegoing audience? ANSWER: YES
14. MOVIES DEAL WITH SENSITIVE ISSUES--Isn't it true that these same major studio releases, treat, comment on, ridicule, portray, teach us about, and otherwise deal with many sensitive and important issues relating to race, ethnicity, culture, sex, sexuality, religion, politics, regional differences, among others? ANSWER: YES
15. EXECUTIVE BACKGROUNDS--Considering all of the above, specifically, that movies tend to mirror the values, interests, cultural perspectives and prejudices of their makers, and that movies deal with all sorts of sensitive social issues, isn't it then quite appropriate to consider any and all aspects of the backgrounds of the persons who have the power to determine which movies are going to be released by the major studio distributors and therefore will be seen by the vast majority of American moviegoers? ANSWER: YES
16. STUDIO EXECUTIVES--Isn't it true that the people in Hollywood who have the power to decide which movies are produced and released, to determine who gets to work in the key positions on such movies and to approve of the screenplays serving as the basis for these movies are the three top studio executives at the major studio distributors? ANSWER: YES
17. EXCLUSION--Isn't it true that control of the major studio/distributors excludes large segments of our multi-cultural society from the movie-making process? ANSWER: YES
18. SHARED BACKGROUNDS--Isn't it true that a clear majority of these executives throughout the term of existence of these vertically-integrated, distributor-dominated major studios share a common background (i.e., they are politically liberal, not very religious, Jewish males of European heritage). ANSWER: YES
19. CONDUCT NOT BASED ON BACKGROUND--Isn't it also inaccurate to suggest that this very specific and narrow definition of the Hollywood control group implies that these top studio executives behave the way they do because they are Jewish? ANSWER: YES
20. NOT TYPICAL--Isn't it also inaccurate to suggest that this specific and narrow definition of the Hollywood control group implies that the business-related behavior of these studio executives is typical of the much broader so-called Jewish community? ANSWER: YES
21. CRITICISM--Considering the two above questions and answers, isn't it clear then, that criticism of the business-related practices of a small group of men who happen to be Jewish, is not the same thing as anti-Semitism? ANSWER: YES
22. FALSE ALLEGATIONS--Recognizing the above, isn't it also true that people who make the false allegation of anti-Semitism relating to the above described criticism of the Hollywood control group, either do not understand what anti-Semitism is, or they are simply trying to distract people's attention from the truth of the original criticism of Hollywood in a dishonest manner? ANSWER: YES
23. CREATIVE CONTROL--Isn't it true that the major studio/distributors regularly and routinely use various approval rights in relation to film finance and are thus able to determine to a great extent which movies are produced and to some extent what the content is for each of such movies? ANSWER: YES
24. LESS DIVERSITY--Isn't it true that the result of the above described circumstances imposes a severe limit on creativity in movie making and results in a more narrow selection of motion pictures which tend to range from hoped-for blockbusters and lowest-common-denominator movies to exploitation fare? ANSWER: YES
25. BUSINESS PRACTICES--Isn't it also true that this Hollywood control group gained and has maintained its power through the use of several hundred specifically identifiable unfair, unethical, unconscionable, anti-competitive, predatory and illegal business practices, including massive employment discrimination and antitrust law violations? ANSWER: YES
26. GOVERNMENT INFLUENCE--Isn't it also true that the Hollywood control group gets away with its "proclivity for wrongful conduct" by routing huge political contributions to presidential candidates and key members of Congress through excessively overpaid studio executives, their spouses and multiple political action committees, so as to discourage vigorous enforcement of the employment discrimination, antitrust and other laws in the Hollywood-based U.S. film industry? ANSWER: YES
27. GOVERNMENT POLICY--Isn't it true that our federal government's policy, specifically, the federal government's antitrust law enforcement policy currently contributes to the ability of the major studio distributors to control and dominate the marketplace? ANSWER: YES
28. INDEPENDENT FILM--Isn't it true that motion picture industry made up of independent producers, independent distributors and independent exhibitors (i.e., not dominated by a handful of companies controlled by a small, narrowly-defined interest group) would result in greater creativity in movie-making and create greater opportunities for a significantly larger number of interest groups within out multi-cultural society to participate at a meaningful level in the film making process? ANSWER: YES
29. FREE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS--Isn't it true that our democracy is based on the concept of a free marketplace of ideas? ANSWER: YES
30. ALL VIEWPOINTS--Isn't it true that a free marketplace of ideas requires that all viewpoints on important issues must have a fair and equal opportunity to be expressed? ANSWER: YES
31. WEAKENS DEMOCRACY--Isn't it true that if any particular interest group controls any important communications medium to the substantial exclusion of all others, such circumstances severely undermine the free marketplace of ideas principle, and therefore weakens our democracy? ANSWER: YES
32. DEMOCRACY--Isn't it true that in a democracy, no important communications medium, including film, should be controlled or dominated by any single, narrowly-defined interest group? ANSWER: YES